3 things you didn’t know about Elon Musk
Owns a James Bond Car.
Elon Musk owns a car from a James Bond Movies “The spy who loved me”. He bought it at an auction but was disappointed to find out that it doesn’t transform into a submarine. He has talked about adding a Tesla motor to it.

Her mom is a model
Elon Musk’s mom, May Musk is an acclaimed model, wellnes expert and nutritionist. She was the face of Cover girl make up at the age of 69. She even appears in a music video of Haunted by Beyonce. She even wrote a book called feel fantastic.

He paid for college through partying.
Elon Musk and his roommate would charge 5 dollar at the door to their frat house for parties and raise money for rent and tuition from hosting parties. They would do this every weekend. Pretty neat idea.